AGMC history
Joel Johnstone
Community Service
Another project supported within our club by many members from 1958 to 1967, was the collection of literally thousands of U.S. Commemorative stamps which in turn were sent to a central collecting mineral club in the state of Washington, then turned into cash by a charity which purchased huge food and milk supplies for hungry peoples in poor countries abroad.
In 1960, Dr. Stuart A. Northrop, Curator of the Geology Museum, an Honorary Member and longtime friend to our club, invited us to place an appropriate case in the Museum. A beautiful case was built and installed. It is reserved for the use of our Club members’ mineral specimens and lapidary art on a rotating basis.
In 1965 an enthusiastic member of our Club was elected State Chairman for the Rocky Mountain Federation’s Advisory Committee when it appeared that public lands for recreational use would be removed from use for mineral specimen collecting. The national effort of the several Regional Federations in this work was most rewarding.
In 1967 we joined with the newly formed New Mexico Association of Gem and Mineral Societies whose purpose in being is to provide better communication, friendly ties, an annual State Show, and improved liaison with the Rocky Mountain Federation for all New Mexico gem and mineral societies.
Club Logo

Early Club logo and cover – 1983-1985
March of 1983 was the first use of what could have been considered the first logo for the club on the News Nuggets. February of 1985 is the last time it appears. Speakers were given two club coffee cups (with the logo?) and a certificate (though the notes indicate the certificate was to be designed at a future point). There were also some pins designed with a variation of this logo as well as membership vests.
In 2013 the club held a contest for a new club logo which was voted on at the December 2013 Holiday Party. The winning logo was designed by Joel Johnstone and is still in use today.