Clubs, societies and organizations
Gem & Mineral Clubs across America | http://the-vug.com/educate-and-inform/rock-and-gem-clubs/ |
National Organizations | |
American Federation of Mineralogical Societies | www.amfed.org |
Mineralogical Society of America | www.minsocam.org |
Friends of Mineralogy | www.friendsofmineralogy.org |
American Geosciences Institute | www.americangeosciences.org |
United States Geological Survey | www.usgs.gov |
Paleontological Society | www.paleosoc.org |
Geological Society of America | www.geosociety.org |
Regional Organizations | |
Rocky Mountain Federation of Mineralogical Societies | www.rmfms.org |
New Mexico Organizations | |
New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources | geoinfo.nmt.edu |
New Mexico Geological Society | nmgs.nmt.edu |
New Mexico Faceters Guild – Albuquerque, New Mexico | www.nmfg.org |
Deming Gem and Mineral Society – Deming, New Mexico | https://www.thedgmsclub.com/ |
Grant County Rolling Stones Gem and Mineral Society – Silver City, New Mexico | rollingstonesgms.blogspot.com |