Join Us

The Albuquerque Gem and Mineral Club invites to its membership anyone who is interested in minerals, gems, lapidary, geology, or any of the earth sciences, and desires to associate with others with like interests. We accept individuals for membership regardless of gender, age (except for individuals under age 18 – see below), race, color or creed. All memberships are family memberships and can include all members of the household.

Household  membership  includes  up to two adults over the age of 18,  and any minor children who  have  not  reached  the  age  of  18  by  January 1  of  the  calendar  year  for  which  dues  are  being paid, for whom at least one of the adults is a legal guardian, all of which live at the same address. Children age 5 to 17 may become junior members of the AGMC.

Junior members, as stated above, are those individuals who will not have reached the age of 18 before January 1 of the year in which they wish to become members. Each such individual must be sponsored by a parent or legal guardian who pays a household membership and who must accompany the junior member on all activities in which the Junior Member participates (or arrange for another adult member to be responsible for their child while participating in said activity). The parental/guardian approval form must be completed for all activities not part of an entire club function. Junior members will not have to pay dues.

Benefits of membership:

  • Monthly Newsletter packed with interesting articles & information.
  • Monthly field trips led by knowledgeable club members.
  • Monthly meetings with great educational speakers.
  • Ability for children under 18 to participate in the Junior Club.
  • Access to Member Only area of website.
  • Access to our Lapidary Studio at the NM Museum of Natural History.(currently not available)
  • Free Admission & Parking to club Gem Shows (when helping out).

Annual dues are $30 per household. New members joining after July 1 pay dues of $15 for the rest of the year. All memberships expire midnight December 31st. All household members must reside at the same address. Only two adult members per family. Additional adults must have their own membership.

All junior members MUST be under 18. All memberships expire midnight December 31st.

To become a member, click here.

If you are joining or inviting family and friends to join the AGMC and they are planning on going on a field trip, their dues and membership application MUST be in by the 1st of that month.

If their membership application and dues are not in by the first or before, they will not be permitted to attend that month’s trip. Dues WILL NOT be accepted at the field trip.

For more information contact the Membership Director:

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