General Rules of Lapidary Studio Use
You must schedule your session in the studio. If you just show up, you won’t be allowed in.
Each participant will sign in and pay $5 per session. Stewards who spend most of their time supervising will not be required to pay. This will be at their discretion. All the money collected will be placed in an envelope and placed in the lock box in the cabinet. The money will be turned in to the AGMC treasurer each month by the designated lapidary chair or assistant. Any reimbursements will be through the AGMC treasurer.
If it is noticed that members are not using equipment properly and/or are cutting materials not allowed (i.e., shell, bone, glass, ceramic, metal, etc.) the members will be informed to cease immediately what they are doing. The studio steward will be the final authority in these matters.
If it is determined that a member damages equipment intentionally or through gross negligence of procedure, that member may be asked to contribute to the purchasing of replacement parts. Members can be barred from the studio by majority vote by the AGMC board if they are deemed negligent, dangerous, or in recurrent violation of studio rules.
At least one studio steward must be present at all times when the studio is in use.
Under no circumstances will alcoholic beverages be allowed in the studio area. If any member shows up under the influence, they will not be allowed in the studio proper and be asked to leave.